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FC Botoșani Dinamo București
Game summary of the Dinamo Bucuresti vs. FC Botosani Romanian Liga 1 game, final score 1-2, from September 19, 2021 on ESPN. Tribuna 1: 80 ron (lateral) – 90 ron (central) Tribuna 2: 50 ron. Follow the Romanian Liga I live Football match between Dinamo Bucharest and FC Botosani with Eurosport. The match starts at 6:30 PM on August 14th, 2023. FC DINAMO BUCURESTI, Bucuresti, Romania. Welcome to the Official FC DINAMO BUCURESTI Facebook Page. Keep up to date with the latest news and content, engage with the club and fellow supporters. The match is a part of the Superliga. D W L D L. 14/08/2023 Liga I Game week 5 KO 19:30. Game summary of the Dinamo Bucuresti vs. FC Botosani Romanian Liga 1 game, final score 1-0, from August 14, 2023 on ESPN. Live coverage of the FC Botosani vs. Dinamo Bucuresti Romanian Liga 1 game on ESPN, including live score, highlights and updated stats. The match is a part of the Superliga
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The match is a part of the Superliga. Live coverage of the FC Botosani vs. Dinamo Bucuresti Romanian Liga 1 game on ESPN, including live score, highlights and updated stats. The season covered the period from 15 June 2021 to 1 June 2022. The match is a part of the Superliga. Game summary of the Dinamo Bucuresti vs. FC Botosani Romanian Liga 1 game, final score 1-2, from September 19, 2021 on ESPN. Follow the Romanian Liga I live Football match between FC Botosani and Dinamo Bucharest with Eurosport. The match starts at 6:30 PM on May 6th, 2022. The match starts at 6:30 PM on May 6th, 2022. FC DINAMO BUCURESTI, Bucuresti, Romania. Welcome to the Official FC DINAMO BUCURESTI Facebook Page. Keep up to date with the latest news and content, engage with the club and fellow supporters. Game summary of the FC Botosani vs. Dinamo Bucuresti Romanian Liga 1 game, final score 4-0, from February 7, 2022 on ESPN. D W L D L. 14/08/2023 Liga I Game week 5 KO 19:30 Cand aduceau statuia lui, indata trebuia sa se faca razboi, sa omoare cat mai muli oameni, ca a?a-i placea., fc botoșani dinamo bucurești.
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45, Digi, Telekom, Look). CS U Craiova (1. ) ACSM Poli Iasi (4. ) 1:0 : Quarter-Finals: Wed Mar 4, 2020 : ACSM Poli Iasi: CS U Craiova: 4. 200: 3:2 : 25: Sat Feb 15, 2020 : ACSM Poli Iasi (12. ) CS U Craiova (2. 000: 2:5 : 12: Fri Oct 4, 2019 : CS U Craiova (2. ) ACSM Poli Iasi (5. 358: 1:1 : 14: Fri Nov 2, 2018. The match is a part of the Superliga. SuperLiga: U Craiova 1948 – Rapid, vineri, 21:30, DGS 1. Disputa a contat pentru etapa a 5-a din Superliga. Partida a fost LIVE TEXT pe ProSport
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